CCF CAD/Graphics 2021

CCF CAD/Graphics 2021
Xi'an China
134376views participants
Xi'an China
134376views participants
We welcome you to participate in CAD/Graphics 2021 which will be held in Xi'an, China, May 15-16, 2021. The International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics) is a biannual international conference since 1989, which is affiliated with the Chinese Computer Federation (CCF). It provides an ideal forum for international researchers and developers to exchange new ideas on computer-aided design and computer graphics, electronic design automation and visualization to explore new ideas and trends. If you can't attend our conference in person, join as a virtual presenter and deliver your speech online.
CAD/Graphics 2021 is the 17th CAD/Graphics conference. The previous CAD/Graphics conferences were held in Qingdao(2019), Zhangjiajie (2017), Xi'an(2015), Hong Kong (2013), Jinan (2011), and Hangzhou (2009), etc., with great success.
CCF GAMES 2021 会议与 CCF CAD/Graphics 2021 会议同地、先后召开,注册一个会议,就可以同时参加两个会议。详细内容请访问CCF GAMES 2021 。
Accepted Paper List
The list of paper IDs provisionally accepted to CAD/Graphics 2021 can be found here. Review comments and instructions on how to revise the paper will be notified by follow-up email.
Important Dates
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